Rapidex team from Valjevo decided to do an extraordinary deed. Nikola Tomic set off to Ostrog, and he did it on his bike. His colleague, Jovica Krstic, and his sister Katarina Tomic followed him in a van. A group of 55 Rapidex employees on the bus, also, joined this charity caravan.

All of them together arrived at the Monastery in order to pray to St Vasilije Ostroski (Basil of Ostrog), the Miracle Maker, for the 11-year-old boy, Ognjen from Valjevo who needs treatment with stem cells in Turkey.

– In a bit extreme way, I wanted to appeal to people to donate money to the charity and I managed to do that with a huge help from the Rapidex team from Valjevo. Nothing is impossible when you believe in God and when your family and good people support you, says Tomic, who surpassed the 410-kilometer journey from Valjevo to Ostrog within 27 hours.

The logistics and a large part of the money collected were provided by Rapidex. The rest is to hope that little Ognjen will be cured so that we can say that another charity was successfully conducted.

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