“Truck Show 2023” is an event scheduled for the second weekend of September at the Novi Sad Fair. This event will be special in that it will bring together over 50 trucks in an open space of 4,300 square meters. The event will feature various attractions and activities related to trucks and the world of trucking.
Visitors will have the opportunity to choose the most beautiful truck, and there will also be some unique competitive events such as truck drifting and truck painting using the paintbrush technique. Additionally, towing services will demonstrate vehicle extraction and truck drivers will compete in navigating a course with cones.
Furthermore, the presence of guests from the region has been announced, which means this event will capture the attention of truck enthusiasts from other parts of the area. All of this will take place within the framework of the Auto-Moto Fair, organized by Rapidex Trade and Bugarinović Transport on September 9th and September 10th, 2023.
This event is an opportunity for truck enthusiasts and truck drivers to have a unique experience and enjoy various activities and content related to trucks!