With quality Knorr-Bremse products our customers are already well acquainted, and their satisfaction tells us that we should be proud of what we are doing with such a big and important world company.
In order to deepen and improve our cooperation, and from that benefit our customers, we visited a group of dealers in Eastern Europe, where all the most important sellers of Knorr-Bremse products were found, and among them is certainly a regional leader in sales of parts and equipment for commercial vehicles Rapidex Trade.
In Hungary we are presented the novelties and future development of the mentioned company. We visited the development and testing center, where we were shown how Knorr-Bremse products are tested and how much they invest in quality control.
Benefits of this are already in the future, and they will be visible in the future and on the shelves and in all sales facilities Rapidex trade in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Slovenia.